In an effort to ensure that all our members are aware of the regulations regarding doping, we felt that it is imperative that we provide you with the necessary references and information so as to ensure that all our members do not transgress these rules and regulations which would by consequence incur various levels of sanction.

The South African Institute for Drug Free Sport was created by an Act of Parliament, South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport Act [No. 14 of 1997]. All information regarding this body can be found at the following website: Swimming South Africa is therefore bound by the rules and regulations of this statutory body.

The Athlete guide to Drug Free Sport for 2008 can be accessed using the following link:
Drug-Free_Sport_2008-7_Edition.pdf. This is a comprehensive guide and will give you information which includes but is not limited to:

Therepeutic use Expemption
World Anti-Doping Assosciation 2008 prohibited list
Doping Control Procedures
Athletes Rights and Responsibilities

As a member of FINA, we also abide by the various rules and regulations of FINA. FINA has specific rules in relation to doping control. These rules can be found by using the following link:
content&task=view&id=53&Itemid=119. The FINA rules are especially important for athletes who compete at a Senior National and International level with particular reference to requirements regarding out of competition testing and various requirements in relation to documentation that athletes are required to complete. Please ensure that you have educated yourselves regarding these rules.

It is your duty as an active participant to understand these rules and regulations regarding Doping Control as published by both FINA and the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport. Pleading ignorance of these ruleswill not assist you should you be found guilty of contravening any of the rules in relation to Doping Control. If you require any further information you can contact the SAIDS on +27 21 683 7129. All this information is also available on the Swimming South Africa website

Swimming South Africa is commited to a sport free of doping and will fully enforce any sanction handed down as a result of doping control violations.

Shaun Adriaanse